Lista de precios para el registro de marcas INPI

Showing 13–20 of 20 results

  • Nulidade Administrativa a Registro de Terceiros

    Trademark nullity claim

    USD 599,00

    Once a trademark is registered, it is possible to file a request for nullity with within 180 days following the publication of the trademark grant.

    The fees are included in the service.


  • profissional registro de marca

    Extrajudicial notification for trademark misuse in Brazil

    USD 599,00

    Is anyone using the same trademark as yours in Brazil? This service is for you. It consists of understanding the case, preparing a document to be sent by email requesting that the offender stop infringing their rights.

    The entire legal basis will be included in the document. If you are not sure that the use is inappropriate, we advise you to hire an analysis for 1 (one) technical hour.

    You must inform us which email should be sent the extrajudicial notification.

  • Manifestação a Oposição de Terceiros

    Reply an Opposition or Nullity – trademark registration in brazil

    USD 599,00

    This service is recommended for customers who need to manifest in the trademark registration process in Brazil. Here are some examples of recommended demonstrations:

    – Reply to opposition

    – Reply for trademark nullity

    – Reply in response to the request for nullity

    – Trademark rejection appeal


    Official fees are included in the service.

  • Recurso ao Indeferimento em Processo de Marca, Recurso a Caducidade, Quaisquer Recursos

    Recurso a la Denegación en el Proceso de Marca / Recurso a la Caducidad / Recursos

    USD 599,00

    En caso de necesidad de elaboración de algún recurso que no esté especificado arriba o cualquier otro que no haya sido relacionado arriba y ni en ninguno de los otros servicios ofrecidos en el sítio, usted puede contratar este servicio.
    Las tasas se incluyen en el servicio.

    1º Usted contrata el servicio.
    2º Nos ponemos en contacto con usted por e-mail para buscar toda la información necesaria para realizar el recurso. Realizamos y generamos todos los documentos necesarios para usted. Todas las dudas son aclaradas por e-mail de forma rápida y segura.
    3º Enviaremos documento que compruebe la ejecución del servicio para usted por e-mail.
    Cualquier duda puede ser sanada en el intercambio de e-mails.

  • Trademark Opposition in Brazil

    USD 599,00

    Did you identify a request for a brand equal to or similar to yours? Be sure to present your arguments to the INPI. If a trademark potentially harmful to your business is requested, oppose it and explain the reason why it should not be granted.

    Through this service we will analyze the peculiarities of your case and provide the preparation of the opposition piece using the best and most adequate arguments. Our team has experienced specialists, used to working at the INPI in the most diverse cases.

    The oficial fees are included in the service.


  • Alteração de Razão Social e Endereço

    Data Update in brazilian PTO (Name or Address Changed)

    USD 99,00

    For you who already have a trademark registration process in Brazil and changed the name or address of the company, you need to know that for any procedure that needs to be carried out with the brazilian PTO, it is necessary that this information is updated. For this reason, when there is a change, it is recommended to update the information in the brazilian PTO.

    Oficial fees are included in the service.


  • Transferência de Titularidade de Processo

    Transfer of Ownership for a Trademark Process in Brazil

    USD 220,00

    Count on our experts to transfer ownership of trademark processes in Brazil.
    We inform you that the Assignment Term, which is the document that effectively transfers the trademark from one company/person to the other, needs to be signed by both parties.

    The federal fee for a process is included in the value of the service.



  • Trademark renewal in Brazil

    USD 550,00

    After 10 years of the granting of your trademark, it is necessary to extend (renew) your registration, if you still have an interest in the trademark and/or use it for your products and/or services.
    Official fees are included in the service.

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