Trademark Opposition in Brazil

USD 599,00

Did you identify a request for a brand equal to or similar to yours? Be sure to present your arguments to the INPI. If a trademark potentially harmful to your business is requested, oppose it and explain the reason why it should not be granted.

Through this service we will analyze the peculiarities of your case and provide the preparation of the opposition piece using the best and most adequate arguments. Our team has experienced specialists, used to working at the INPI in the most diverse cases.

The oficial fees are included in the service.


1º You hire the service.
2º We contact you by e-mail to find all the information necessary to make the Opposition to the Third Party Registration Request. We carry out and generate all the necessary documents for you. All doubts are clarified by e-mail quickly and safely.
3º We will send a document that verifies the execution of the service for you by e-mail.
Any doubt can be resolved in the exchange of e-mails.


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