Simple, fast, and secure trademark protection.
At 123 Marcas, we simplify the trademark registration process in Brazil. This section outlines the basic steps from initial research to renewal. It’s important to note that our prices are determined per class. Additionally, in Brazil, there is a fee for the trademark application and a separate fee for its granting (allowance). Count on us for effective and trustworthy brand protection.
Note: All listed prices include associated fees.
Conduct an in-depth search to determine if other trademarks might cause future conflicts with your desired brand.
Handle documentation and file your trademark application with the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI).
Facilitate the issuance of your trademark ownership certificate, valid for 10 years.
Monitor and process renewals for your trademark every 10 years.
Ensuring the integrity and exclusivity of your brand through our specialized services. For clients not currently represented by 123 Marcas, a “Representation Switch” service is required for us to act on your behalf in Brazil.
Note: All listed prices include federal fees.
Action against a similar brand seeking registration.
Respond to challenges against your trademark's validity.
Respond to observations or objections during the registration process.
Change of registered brand ownership details.
Update of registration details with the trademark office.
Formal notice in cases of trademark infringement.
Request the trademark holder to demonstrate the continuous use of the registered trademark.
Demonstration of active brand use for legal purposes.
Action against improper trademark registrations by third parties.
Specialized consultancy on trademark registration aspects.
Service allowing the replacement of the legal representative during the INPI registration process, essential for new clients seeking our representation.
Clear your doubts immediately. Our service is online.
Best cost-benefit
We are experts in trademark protection.
We are the first 100% online in Brazil
entrepreneurs advised
123 Marcas - Av. Borges de Medeiros 3160 / 1904, Menino Deus, Porto Alegre - Brasil - ZIP 90110-150